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20 Super remedies for abdominal fat

20 Super remedies for abdominal fat

Burning 500-600 calories everyday and having the right kind of food will reduce your abdominal fat, you knew that but who wants to do those crunches and leg raises or go to the gym! You don’t want to exercise like a mad or have done that too and still cannot lose your belly fat. That’s why you are here, in search of some easy, simple home remedies that can reduce abdominal fat all around your waist! If so, you’ll not be disappointed after reading these natural remedies to reduce belly fat. However, knowing is not all, you must diligently follow them, howsoever boring they might get. Also, you need to move your body even if not for doing heavy gym exercises or aerobics or something strenuous like that. Walking, cycling, jogging, swimming, playing badminton or simply taking stairs in place of elevator can keep your body moving. Indulge in something that interests yo. Just don’t keep on sitting for hours. And yes, follow these super easy home remedies for losing your abdominal fat!
1. Say Good Morning with Lemon Juice to Reduce Belly Fat
Yes, you should start your day with lemon juice. Lemon detoxifies your body of all toxins along with fat. Mixed with warm water, it works even better by strengthening your liver and helping it in melting that fat around your waist.
Get this:
Lemon- 1
Warm water- 1 glass
Do this:
Squeeze out the juice of lemon
Mix this lemon juice into the glass of warm water.
Drink this water on empty stomach every day in the morning.
This will boost your metabolism excellently for the whole day.
2. Spice up Lemon Juice for Losing Abdominal Fat
While in the morning, you should have plain lemon juice with warm water, you may have another glass of lemon juice later in the day after adding certain fat burning ingredients. You may have it after lunch or in the evening. There’s no harm if you drink this twice in a day!
Get this:
Lemon juice- 4 tbsp
Black pepper powder- 1 tsp
Honey- 1 tsp
Lukewarm water- 1 glass
Do this:
Add lemon juice, pepper powder and honey to warm water.
Mix well.
Have this lemon juice once or twice everyday.
3. Eat Almonds to Get Rid of Abdominal Fat
One of the superfoods that fights obesity are almonds. Almonds are high in fats- the good fats. How do almonds then reduce belly fat? It is because they are also a powerhouse of essential nutrients like magnesium, protein, Vitamin E and fiber! When you have enough good protein, you develop lean muscle mass which in turn helps you burn fat. Fibers are good not only for digestion but also to give you the feeling of fullness which stops you from overeating. The monounsaturated fats or the good fats in almonds not only help in losing weight but also in reducing Body Mass Index (BMI). This has been established by a study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders. This food has many other advantages apart from a miracle for reducing obesity. It is also good for heart diseases and diabetes as it not only reduces bad cholesterol in arteries but also stabilizes blood sugar. So, without any worry, you can have almonds daily. But remember, excess of anything is bad. Have a handful of them, 10-20 almonds per day, not more than that! And yes, do not have the fried or sugar coated ones, have plain or at the most, roasted almonds!
Ways to have almonds to reduce belly fat
Soak 6-8 almond in water overnight. Have them first thing in the morning. However, if you are having lemon water first thing in the morning, wait for about 30-40 minutes before having soaked almonds.
Add almonds in your morning breakfast. Add them to your salad, fruit mix, porridge or even to your breakfast cereal combined with milk!
Snack on almonds when feeling hungry.
Use them in salads, stir fries etc.
4. Include Beans in Daily Diet to Reduce Abdominal Fat
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, lean sources of protein like chicken and beans, help your body in keeping the intake of saturated fats at a healthy level. If you can’t have chicken daily, have beans. Beans help to flatten your belly not only due to its lean protein but also due to its various other healthy compounds including soluble as well as insoluble fibers. Due to their low glycemic index, beans get digested at slower pace keeping you fuller for a longer time, thus saving you from hunger pangs too. Beans are good for diabetes and heart disease too. So, what types of beans and how much of them will help you lose abdominal fat? Check it out!
What Beans to have?
All or any type of beans can help you in fighting off obesity, particularly belly fat.
White beans
Pink beans
Red kidney beans
Black beans
Pinto beans
Garbanzo beans aka chickpeas
How much beans to have daily?
Not more than one cup of beans every day. Rinse them thoroughly before using. If you soak beans, wash them thoroughly before soaking and try not to discard the water when cooking beans. If you are using canned beans then also wash them properly to keep off the gas producing sugars.
What are the ways to have beans?
You can have them in any manner- as salad, dips, side dish, baked into muffins, or as main dish!

Replace your breakfast toasts with beans and have them with eggs.
Make salsa by mixing black beans with tomatoes, corn kernels, pepper, lime juice, olive oil, your choice of herbs and seasoning’s!
Prepare hummus which is a Middle Eastern spread made with chickpeas as main ingredient. Use it as a party dip or sandwich spread.
Bake your muffins, breads, cakes etc. using beans flour
You may also use black bean flour as a thickening agent for sauces.
Replace mashed potatoes with mashed beans dish.
Use a bed of herbs flavoured white beans when serving grilled chicken and fish.
Have simple bean soups, stews.
Innovate your own way to have beans daily!

Image Credit: Flickr by FBellon
5. Cucumber Helps Reduce Abdominal Fat
Cucumber is a great summer food but what’s interesting is that it is also an excellent fat burning food! Elizabeth Somer is a dietitian and in her book “Nutrition for Women,” she has suggested ways to lose weigh and keep it off She says cucumbers have rich content of two trace minerals- sulphur and silicon. These trace minerals may be the reason why cucumbers burn fat. Cucumbers are also high in water content and thus act as diuretics preventing the belly to bloat. Bloating may give an impression of a fat abdomen. When you add cucumbers with lemon, it becomes a superfood for burning fat as lemons excellently boost metabolism and their high acidic content helps in breaking down the fat. Have this very low-calorie food called cucumber extensively during the day. Yes, cucumbers contain about 96% water and there’s only about 45 calories in a whole cucumber.
Ways to have cucumber to reduce belly fat
Add a bowl of sliced cucumbers with your breakfast
have cucumber salad everyday with lunch. Add a dash of lemon juice, pepper, salt or vinegar and some herbs plus olive oil to make it a tangy treat.
Carry cucumber with you wherever you go- office, college or such regular places where you need to spend longer periods. Snack on these cucumbers when you feel hungry.
6. Wholegrain Cereals with Milk Breakfast to Lose Belly Fat
You should not skip breakfast. This slows down your metabolism. However, wrong type of breakfast can actually lead to weight gain! So, the mantra is to have right breakfast everyday. The high fiber wholegrain breakfast cereals can maintain steady blood sugar levels so that you remain satiated for longer periods thus avoiding hunger pangs. When you mix your cereals with milk, it’s nutrients may actually speed up your fat-burning metabolism. A study published in the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,’ states that higher amounts of calcium and vitamin D can help in weight loss and as per Somer, these two nutrients can also aid in burning fat by lowering the production of fat-producing enzymes. So, now onwards, have your breakfast cereal with milk to lose your abdominal fat. This is a list of cereals that you can have but remember you must avoid the processed cereals to keep off those hidden sugar. They may actually nullify your weight-loss efforts.
What wholegrain cereals to have for breakfast?
How to have breakfast cereals to lose belly fat?
Make your breakfast cereal with milk, for example, oatmeal. You can boil the cereal in milk and then add a dash of cinnamon, some almonds or walnuts, berries and honey if you need a sweetener. Don’t use sugar if you want to lose fat. You can even have multigrain and bran flakes added to warm or cool milk.

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